Coming Soon: Logistics Park Chicago Stack Pickup Appointment System

May 28, 2024

BNSF is preparing to deploy a stack pickup appointment system at Logistics Park Chicago (LPC) later this year. This process will enable appointments to be made based on planned pickup times to improve driver efficiency and turn times while entering and exiting the facility. The stack pickup appointment system will only apply to containers ready for outgate located in Lot S. If your container is mounted on wheels, an appointment will not be needed.

We will begin implementation by beta testing with a select group of carriers before launching the system to all carriers.

BNSF teams will be at LPC from June 19 – 21 to assist drivers with downloading RailPASS and answering questions about the app and the upcoming stack pickup appointment system process. To stay up-to-date with the latest information, new and current RailPASS users should download the latest version through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Future communications will be distributed with further details prior to implementation.